1. 富有的
2. 富裕的,处境好的
3. 有钱,富有
4. 井停歇
5. 富裕的
6. 处境好的
- But brazilian growers are relatively well off .
- 不过,巴西的种植者们相对来说是比较富裕的。
- Before long the chinese people will become well off .
- 用不了多久,中国人民就会富裕起来。
- We 're fairly well off for cinemas where we live .
- 很幸运,在我们住的地方有好几家电影院。
- 5 Billion people can reasonably aspire to join the 1 billion who are already well off says mr beckhoff .
- 倍福先生表示,有50亿人立志要实现小康,加入那些已经算作富人的10亿人的行列当中。
- And the county was always well off economically .
- 该郡的经济上也颇为充裕。
- Everyone is busy and many are reasonably well off .
- 每个人都很忙,还有许多人相当地不错。
- If I work hard now when I retire I 'll be very well off financially .
- 如果我现在辛勤工作的话,退休后就会很富足。
- There will be considerable loss of comforts especially for the well off people .
- 相当多的人也会过得更差,特别是那些富有的人。
- Are your parents well off ?
- 你的父母很富裕吧?
- When I 'm well off I 'll buy a jaguar .
- 等我有钱了,我一定去买美洲豹牌车。